Clinical/Medical Services

Telehealth Available

Telehealth visits are secure online appointments to provide services for those in need of care. The visits can occur over a computer, tablet or mobile device such as a smart phone. This convenient service allows clients who have regularly scheduled appointments to meet with their provider online.
For patients without internet access, please contact our office to discuss other options that may be available.

Integrative Primary care

Accepting New Patients!!!

Nā Puʻuwai offers integrative team-based primary care which gives patients the opportunity to receive more comprehensive care and treatment options. 

An essential part of integrative primary care is having a system of response that acknowledges standards of care, provides access to care, supports patients concerns in a way that is flexible and includes a collaborative health team. 

MD and ND co-management is ideal!

Behavioral Health

Our team of behavioral health providers supports patients with physical and mental health challenges through counseling, motivational interviewing, behavior change, social services, and health coaching. 

Nutrition Counseling

Food is medicine and ʻAi pono is a basic fundamental of health and wellbeing. Our nutritionist can help you find the right diet that works best for you to achieve your health goals and stick to them.